Fire Prevention Week 2021

Learn the Sounds of Fire Safety

This years Fire Prevention Week campaign is about learning the sounds of fire safety. What is your smoke or carbon monoxide alarm telling you?

  • 3 Long Beeps = Smoke Alarm. React quickly, follow your family’s escape plan and go to your meeting spot! With todays modern furniture and consumer product construction, you only have a few minutes to get out safely!
  • 4 Short Beeps = Carbon Monoxide Alarm. Get to fresh air as soon as possible and wait for help to arrive.
  • 1 Chirp every 30 – 60 seconds = Battery or Alarm Failure. Change the batteries. If it still chirps, the alarm may be at the end of its life. Smoke alarms should be replaced every 10 years regardless, so check the dates printed on the alarm.

You can find more great safety tips and guides at

Fire Prevention Week 2021